Which is the Right Cash Drawer for you?
Cash drawers are an essential component of any business: vital for security and enhance convenience. They help you keep money organized and protects it from thieves considering how sturdy they are. Whether you are a big retailer with frequent transactions or a small businessman with a local outlet, cash drawers play a huge role to enhance your everyday tasks at work. But it is important to find the right kind of cash drawer to suit your needs perfectly. Following are the 4 basic types of cash drawers : Manual Cash Drawer It is simply an enhanced box with a key. It has various compartments like a normal cash drawer. It is suitable for outlets where you are the only one handling the cash. It is super cost effective and secure for small businesses. A mechanical key is used to open the drawer whereas a push button opens the drawer when unlocked. Its simplicity is best for additional convenience for small retailers. Printer Driven Cash Drawer This is the most popular choices. I...