How Have Barcode Scanners Evolved Over The Years?

Barcode scanners are one of the most necessary gadgets people use in a store. These scanners have evolved intensely over the past few years. Initially, people used barcodes only in grocery industries. It helped to maintain the inventory. Someone developed the unique barcode from an ancient movie’s sound system.


Early Evolution

It was back in the 1960s when railways did an experiment with a scheme that used color strips. These strips worked to encrypt a number. A plan of colored lights and sensors could decode the ten-digit number. This eventually transformed into a black-and-white barcode. 


The Laser Scanner

The barcode has three vital portions- a light basis, a sensor, and a decoder. This is the general structure of a barcode scanner.

You probably have seen a one-dimensional barcode with thin and thick black lines. These are a type of optical Morse program that contains data. Laser scanners can read these types of 1D barcodes. We still use them widely. Laser scanners can be stationary or mobile. The mobile ones are small handheld devices we usually see at departmental stores. 

In the year 1970, fixed raster scanners came into existence. It used lasers and different types of glasses to create 2D patterns. These scanners can read 1D barcodes from any side and angle. This type of barcode scanning device is still widely used in grocery stores. 

Development of CCDs and 2D Codes

In the 1990s, many stores started using CCD scanners. These scanners used a chip that consisted of photocells as a 1D camera. They were a lot cheaper than lesser scanners. 

Benefits of Barcode Scanners

1. The scanners help reduce the transaction speed. The manual transaction takes a lot more time compared to a scanner. Moreover, there is always a chance of mistakes in a manual transaction process. With a scanner, you can eliminate this chance.


2. A scanning machine is easy to use. You only need to spend a few minutes training your employee about its uses. Thus, there is no extra cost for training the employees. You do not have to appoint any trainer for the purpose as well.

3. A barcode scanner provides all the necessary data about the product. It also helps to manage the inventory. 

4. An employee does not have to go through the entire inventory to note each product’s price. This is a quite time-saving and affordable process to follow. 

5. They are efficient and affordable. The machines are not expensive, but their work process is pretty simple and error-free. A scanner works for years if you can keep it in good condition. 

Final Words

In a POS system in a storefront, a barcode scanner is quite useful. They are user-friendly gadgets that have made transactions relatively easy. With the advent of new technologies like HDR or high-speed liquid senses, the barcode scanner is also evolving. The scanners are becoming more efficient and error-free.

The Aussie POS has a huge variety of barcode scanning devices apt for your need. They have the best products and excellent service facilities.


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